Friday, April 17, 2009

Growing Challenge: Status on all plants from seeds!

Got home in time to check out the garden. Luckily, the camera cooperated long enough to allow me to take some photos. Good news all around!

Hello there, cucumber sprout! (yes, I keep hearing this seedling saying "heeeyyyyy" in my head. Too many lolcats.)

There is a patch in the yard that has inhospitable soil. No idea what's going on, but after years of turning it, amending it, letting it rest and trying to coax it to grow - it remains soil that does not support life *except* for a potato bush. We want the space to grow, so this years experiment is tomatoes in bags. The tomatoes were grown from seeds in the greenhouse. The seedlings were transplanted into the bags (1.5 cubic feet of soil each, on their sides, with a big square cut out of the top.) with the cage. While I was planting rows of cucumbers, I decided to punch cucumber seeds into the corners of the bags too. The tomatoes go up, the cucumbers go out... we'll see what happens. In all, I counted six cucumber sprouts.

They look like this right now - the bottom front corners is where two of the cucumber sprouts are.

The main vegetable patch has a few more sprouts. The photo is a bit washed out from the light. There is a row from the cucumber label and down, and another row from the label and to the right. The top row has a few sprouts.

The little delicate plants that look like grass in this photo are leeks! They are doing great, frustrating that they take so long to grow. We started these from seed as well in the greenhouse and transplanted them.

(It occurred to me the other day I talk about the garden space as if it were acres. The veggie patch. The bee yard. The shed. The flower garden. Not so. It's pretty cozy, we just believe in competition gardening and maximizing every bit of space. The greenhouse is something similar. Least you think I stroll to the spacious sun room, let me assure you that our greenhouse is fairly small.)

The peas have taken off in the last couple of weeks. This is great news, besides being delicious to eat, the goal is to make a batch of peapod wine. Spent some time last weekend untangling the tendrils from the beets and wrapping the plants through the twine fence. It's time to add more lines of twine for the peas to climb on. Our temporary, keep-the-cat-from-treading-on-the-seedlings, extra bit of privacy and shade, green fence. ;)

Oh beets. Soon I will eat you. Or make wine out of you. Who knows. Please keep growing.

(They really are lovely plants to look at!)

Finally, some adopted plants. Christopher grew these Zucchini from seed and gave them to me. He recommends potting them in pots, so they'll be going into some pots around the garden sometime this weekend. Where? No idea. That's half the fun.

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